Effeci Tecnoimpianti reaches the Sentierone
Effeci Tecnoimpianti has reached one of the most beautiful places in Bergamo: the Sentierone! Take a look at our technicians…
We design electrical and technological plants of any type, as per specific needs of our customers, in collaboration with its technicians.
We install systems throughout the national territory. We employ skilled technicians and advanced technologies, suitable to control the systems of high and medium voltage, in compliance with IEC 0-16.
Each ordinary, scheduled and extraordinary maintenance is documented through a digitized reporting system. The documentation is always available in the customer’s reserved area on our website.
We provide maintenance for the facilities we installed, or for the pre-existing one, throughout the national territory, guaranteeing 24/24 h for the emergencies thanks to digitized system of ticketing and remote control room.
Effeci Tecnoimpianti has reached one of the most beautiful places in Bergamo: the Sentierone! Take a look at our technicians…
Our company, together with other businesses from the territory of Bergamo, participated in the first B2B event of Fast&Up Italia.…
Let’s take an up-close look at the latest work of Effeci Tecnoimpianti! Lately, our team has been involved in the…
We design, install, transform, expand and maintain
Customized solutions guaranteed in the following application areas:
• Electricity sector
• Renewable energy sector
• Technological sector